His story
Eric is an internationally recognized researcher and a very committed physician. He is a former student of Normal'Sup rue d'Ulm, a doctor of science and a doctor of medicine with a specialization in neurology.
He is a University Professor and Hospital Practitioner, and Heads of Neurology Department of the Nîmes University Hospital. He is also a CNRS researcher with the habilitation to direct research; he has published more than 180 research articles, most often in his cutting-edge field, multiple sclerosis.
Until recently, he was the president of the Société Francophone de la Sclérose en Plaques, of which he is still an administrator.
Pourquoi AI-Stroke ?
"Even if, as a neurologist and as a researcher, my specialty is rather Multiple Sclerosis (another very serious neurological condition), I deal with stroke on a daily basis: my department welcomes 3 stroke patients per day and 80% of the beds are occupied by stroke patients! In addition, as head of the department, I still make a lot of guards and I am really in contact with the patients. When I met Cédric and he introduced me to AI-Stroke, I was immediately taken in because the medical need is absolutely obvious, because every minute saved in the diagnosis can change a life... and because the entrepreneurial adventure is exciting."